Build Safe Latrines for 100 Rural Families in Gulu
We are committed to transforming the lives of 100 families in Rural Gulu, Uganda, by constructing safe, strong, and ventilated improved latrines. Each latrine will come with an attached bathing room to ensure comprehensive hygiene and sanitation. Your support will provide essential materials, including latrine slabs, cement, iron sheets, vent pipes, nails, and transport. Families will contribute bricks, labor, and sand, fostering a sense of ownership and sustainability.
In Gulu District, only 35% of households have access to improved latrine facilities, leaving the majority to rely on inadequate options like open defecation or unimproved pit latrines. These conditions lead to high rates of waterborne diseases such as diarrhea and cholera, environmental contamination, and poor quality of life, especially for children. The lack of adequate sanitation facilities poses a severe public health risk and undermines community well-being.
Our project will provide 100 families with the materials needed to construct safe, strong, and ventilated latrines. Each latrine will be accompanied by a bathing room to further promote hygiene. The materials provided per family will include: Two 90×120 latrine slabs, 10 bags of cement, 3 iron sheets, A vent pipe, Nails, and Transport costs. Families will contribute bricks, digging the hole, labor, river sand, and plaster sand. These materials are more affordable in the local area.
Long-Term Impact
By providing these latrines, we aim to significantly improve sanitation standards, reduce the incidence of waterborne diseases, and promote better health and hygiene practices. The long-term impact includes: Healthier communities with a lower prevalence of diseases such as diarrhea and cholera, Enhanced awareness and adoption of proper hygiene practices, Empowered families with the skills and knowledge to maintain their sanitation facilities, and A cleaner and safer environment.